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happy family eating in the kitchen;  image used for HSBC Macau HSBC Family Goal Insurance Plan.

HSBC Family Goal Insurance Plan

A 3-in-1 solution that allows you to set your sail for security

From starting and raising our families to entering our golden years, each stage of life brings its own needs and obligations. Our HSBC Family Goal Insurance Plan ("HSBC Family Goal") helps to safeguard your loved ones with life insurance protection plus enhancement of your life coverage for the first 20 years, allowing you to set sail in security throughout various stages of life.

Stay secured with 3-in-1 lifetime protection

  • Life protection throughout different stages of your life
    Enjoy enhanced protection during the first 20 years of the policy with the sum insured equivalent to around 3X total premiums1 plus the non-guaranteed Special Bonus
  • Coverage for life's unforeseen events
    Receive an advance payment from the Cancer and Disability Benefit2 to cover for unexpected medical expenses. An advance payment will also apply if your child3 is diagnosed with cancer
  • Potential savings for your hassle-free senior years
    Realise the potential growth in policy value with a choice to exercise the Policy Value Management Option4 to lock in part of the policy value for wealth preservation and financial certainty

HSBC Family Goal is a whole life insurance plan with a savings element. It's not equivalent or similar to any kind of bank deposit, and is underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited, Macau Branch ("the Company"). Policyholders are subject to the Company's credit risk and early surrender loss. Please refer to the product brochure for details.

Speak with us

Limited time offers:

  • Get up to 13% off your first-year premium
    Offer ends on 31 March 2025. T&Cs apply (PDF, 1.93MB).
  • Get up to HKD1,500 Travel Gift Voucher upon successful application with designated annualised new premiums
    Offer ends on 31 December 2025. T&Cs apply (PDF, 697KB).
  • Get MOP200 shopping coupon by booking an appointment online to complete a Financial Check-up with us
    Offer ends on 31 December 2025. T&Cs apply (PDF, 426KB).
  • Enjoy preferential interest rate after successfully applied for this plan
    Time deposits are products offered by HSBC Bank. T&Cs apply (PDF, 366KB).

How does it work

Are you eligible?

To apply, you need to:

  • be aged6 between 19 and 55 years old (depending on the premium payment terms selected)
  • meet our relevant requirements on nationality (country / region) and/or addresses and/or residency, which may change from time to time

Additional information

Frequently asked questions

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The above plans are life insurance plan underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited, Macau Branch ("the Company"). Policyholders are subject to the credit risk of the Company and early surrender loss.

Make a claim

A woman is claiming insurance via phone call

Sometimes life doesn't go according to plan and you'll want to make an insurance claim as soon as possible.

Simply call the policy and claim service hotline (853) 2821 6133 and our professional claims team will help you deal with your claim.

1. The Sum Insured as a percentage of the total premiums expected to be paid over the full premium period is a rounded percentage that varies depending on your chosen premium payment mode. If you choose monthly payments, such percentage will be lower due to higher amount of total annual premiums projected to be paid.

2. Cancer and Disability (Advance Payment) Benefit will terminate upon the 20th policy year. Your policy will terminate once we pay this benefits to you. No benefits for any Cancer under the policy shall be payable under any of the below conditions:

  • Any pre-existing condition from which the life insured or his/her Child3 was suffering prior to the Issue Date, the Policy Date or the effective date of the last reinstatement, whichever is the latest; or
  • Any cancer signs or symptoms first diagnosed within one-year waiting period; or
  • Intoxication by alcohol or drugs not prescribed by a Registered Medical Practitioner; or
  • Presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection on or before the diagnosis date of Cancer (except for "HIV Due to Blood Transfusion and Occupationally Acquired by HIV" as defined in the policy term)

No benefits for any Total and Permanent Disability shall be payable under any of the below conditions:

  • Any pre-existing condition from which the life insured was suffering prior to the Issue Date, the Policy Date or the Effective date of the last reinstatement, whichever is the latest; or
  • Willful self-inflicted injury; or
  • Insanity or mental infirmity or disease; or
  • Committing or trying to commit a criminal offence; or
  • Taking or absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any drug, medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a Registered Medical Practitioner; or
  • Engaging in hazardous sports (including mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, pot-holing, parachuting, skin-diving or other underwater pastimes, winter sports, racing of any kind other than on foot, steeple chasing or polo), other than those stated in the application; or
  • Entering, operating, or servicing, riding in or on, ascending or descending from any kind of device designed for flight in or beyond the earth's atmosphere except while the Life Insured is a passenger or air crew in an aircraft operated by a commercial passenger airline on a regular scheduled passenger trip over its established passenger route.

Please refer to the relevant policy provisions for the details of terms and conditions and exclusions.

3. Child means a biological and adopted son or daughter, step-son, step-daughter of the life insured who is of age6 under 18.

4. You may apply to exercise this Policy Value Management Option to allocate a portion of the Net Cash Value as of the date of such request is processed, to the Policy Value Management Balance11 provided that:

  • This Policy has been in force for 20 Policy Years or more;
  • All premiums are paid up when due; and
  • There is no Indebtedness9 under the Policy.

The exercise of the Policy Value Management Option is subject to the minimum amount requirements on (i) the Net Cash Value to be allocated per transaction; and (ii) the Sum Insured after the exercise of this option. Such minimum amount requirements are determined by the Company from time to time without prior notice to Policyholder.

5. Terminal Illness Benefit will terminate on the Policy Anniversary at which the life insured attains the age6 of 65, or payout of such benefit or your policy is terminated (whichever is the earliest). Your policy will terminate once we pay this benefit. No Terminal Illness Benefits shall be payable under any of the below conditions:

  • Any pre-existing condition from which the life insured was suffering prior to the Issue Date of the Policy or the effective date of this Benefit or the effective date of last reinstatement, whichever is the latest; or
  • Any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or any HIV-related illness including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any mutations, derivation or variations thereof.

Please refer to the relevant policy provisions for the details of terms and conditions and exclusions.

6. Age means the age of the life insured or the policyholder where applicable at his/her next birthday.

7. Unemployment Benefit is applicable to any policyholder aged6 between 19 and 55 years who is the holder of a Macau Resident Identity Card. The benefit will terminate on the policy anniversary at which the policyholder attains the age6 of 65 or all due premiums have been paid or your policy is terminated (whichever is the earliest).

8. If you choose to pay premiums in monthly payments mode for a Policy Year, the total premiums payable for that Policy Year will be greater than that in annual payment mode.

9. Indebtedness is the sum of all outstanding Policy Loans or Automatic Premium Loans advanced in accordance with the Policy plus the accrued interest on such loans as well as any outstanding premiums or payments.

10. Upon the partial surrender of the Policy, a portion of the Special Bonus (if any) attributable to the reduced portion of the Sum Insured may be declared at the Company's discretion and such amount, if any, will be payable as part of the partial surrender payment subject to the applicable requirements. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for detailed terms and conditions of partial surrender.

11. Policy Value Management Balance means the amount of the accumulation of the proceeds from exercising the Policy Value Management Option4 which is allocated to the Policy to accumulate at such non-guaranteed interest rate(s) that are determined at the Company's discretion from time to time, and less any previously withdrawn amounts.

HSBC Family Goal is a long-term participating life insurance product with a savings element. It is not equivalent or similar to any kind of bank deposit. The policyholder is subject to the credit risk of the Company. If the policyholder discontinues and/or surrenders the policy in the early policy years, the amount of the policy values or benefits which may be payable to the policyholder may be considerably less than the total premiums paid. The information shown above is intended as a general summary for your reference only. If you wish to learn more about any of the above insurance plans, please refer to the respective product brochure for detailed features and the Policy Provisions for the detailed terms and conditions on the insurance product webpages.

HSBC Life (International) Limited, Macau Branch
HSBC Life (International) Limited, Macau Branch ("the Company", "we" or "us") is a branch incorporated in accordance with Macau laws, and is one of the HSBC Group's insurance underwriting subsidiaries.

Macau Special Administrative Region office
Main office: 1/F, Edf. Comercial Si Toi, 619 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau
HSBC Life Insurance Planning Centre: Unit AC, Dynasty Plaza, 393 Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpcao, Macau

The Company is authorised and regulated by the Autoridade Monetária de Macau ("AMCM") to carry on long-term insurance business in the Macau Special Administrative Region.

In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the admissibility scope in the Mediation Scheme for Financial Consumption Disputes) arising between HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life")  and you out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, HSBC Life is required to enter into a Financial Consumption Dispute Mediation process with you; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the above insurance product should be resolved between the Company and you directly.

Issued by HSBC Life (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability), Macau Branch